Welcome to JZ TV

JZ TV My Vlog My new channel is JZ tv. It is not fiction - I have a real channel called JZ TV. But I am not alone, four years old John and I make a pretty good team. This channel has more than 150 subscribers so far, 2K views and 300 likes on this whole channel. I randomly make videos on JZ tv. So, please subscribe to my channel. I have incredible videos with educational stuff that you would surely like it or maybe not. So I have gone to the Dubai mall, Sharjah aquarium and more. I also have letter videos which you can ignore but watch it and leave a like on my channel. I blow minds everywhere. In a flip, one day we will transport our 150 subscribers into 1.k. We will compare and contrast our shows with other shows to see how we are doing. My videos are doing fantastic. There are 50 percent chances that I will get 500 subscribers by December 2021 and 50 percent chances of getting 500 subscribers in about three months. Well I am quite busy tryin...