ALL about Cedar Waxwings!

WAXWINGS Waxwings are amazing birds. They have a red tip on the wing and a yellow half tail. They eat berries and crab apples. There are three types of waxwings; 1. cedar waxwings 2. Bohemion waxwings and 3.Japanese waxwings. Japanese waxwings don't have any red tip. Waxwings are usually grey or dark grey. Bohemion waxwings are grayish brown and have a crust on their head. Well I'm going to talk about the Cedar Waxwing. Cedar Waxwings It's name comes from the cedar berries they eat and the red waxy tips on it's wings. Older birds have more red then juvenile birds so the waxy tips maser has more experience and the bird starts choosing mates. SIZE and Shape Waxwings are medium sized birds. They have a caramel coloured head and chest. They have soft grey wings and tail with a living yellow belly. They have a black face mask which is edged with white and the short squa...